Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Art of Moving: Part III


OHHH.... moving.

This will be our third move with Matt's company and luckily, we know the process. We know what to expect and we know that we will be settled.

At some point.

In 2017 (I pray).

But even though we "know it all", it does not make it any easier! And usually, there is always a hitch to us moving.

When we left Minnesota for Arkansas, the hitch was that our house wouldn't be ready to be moved in to until mid-January. And we left Minnesota in November.

So the kids and I stayed at Matt's brother's house for a month and a half until school started in January. And then we lived in a hotel for three weeks until our house was finished.

Making school lunches in a hotel room for three weeks - you try it and let me know how it goes! :)

This time, our hitch is that we have to be out of our house by March 31. And school isn't out until May 26. And we have no house to send our stuff to in Chicago.

For those that know me, you know that I'm a planner. It gives me peace of mind, it's my zen. Love me or hate me, at least I'm prepared.

Besides not having a house to move into and our stuff going into storage until it does have a place to go, I'm having major moments on not getting Reece enrolled in preschool. As you have read in my previous posts, Reece has to take speech therapy, recently finished up occupational therapy and just needs a little extra help. So finding a good preschool for him is very important to me.

And as a stay-at-home mom, it's just part of my gig. It's one of those things on my list of things to get done. It is not on Matt's list - Matt's focus is his job and the in-and-outs of dealing with our relocation company.

And that's OK!

But here we are -- mid-March. Almost houseless. Not sure where we are going to be living. And no preschool for Reece. It's taking my stress-level to a maximum point.

I finally verbalized to Matt, through tears, that this is just not how I function. I've tried so hard to be as go-with-the-flow as I can be with this situation, but I'm starting to reach a breaking point. He understands that about me, I know he does. Surely after 16 years together, he does! He gave me a hug, told me we would find something for Reece and make it all OK and that he's been doing so well that I don't need to be worrying as much as I do. But it would be OK!

And then today he calls me and says the buyers want to push the closing date back four days so we should move the packers and not move into our short term housing until then. "I'm just trying to make it easier for you."

I love this man.

But changing up the one thing I had a firm grasp on does not help me! I had a plan as to when I would get things ready to be moved to the apartment, when I would move things over, when Matt could move things over. I had already cancelled internet, for Gods sake! ;)

But that God. He heard me. He's feeling my anxiety. And five minutes ago, we got an email from our realtor saying nevermind, the buyers want to keep the March 31 closing date.

And even though I'm not ready to leave my house, I said "ALLELUIA!"

It's a baby step in the right direction, friends!

Moving. Third time around and I'm still brutal at it!


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